Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Esabell - 11mths Old le

Noti Esabell turn 11mths today! Now she knows how to crawl, stand up on her own with the support of the bed, clap her hands, do "Gong Xi Gong Xi" action, i think total of 8 teeth and start taking solid food.

She is getting more and more adorable each day, but also getting more and more worm worm and noti. Not as chubby as last time, but still chubby. Her Daddy worries that she can't slim down when she grow up. But rest assured Daddy, she is doing fine. Baby not chubby where got cute leh.

As she grow older, Mummy starts to miss her more whe she is at work or out with Daddy. Reason : She noes how to communicate with us. When you ask her " Do you want Milk Milk?", If she immediately nodded her head = she does not want Milk Milk. If she paused and pondered for awhile = she wants her milk. When she sees us eating, she will keep saying " MummMumm..Mummumm..".Heehe. So Ke Ai. That is our Sweet, Cutie, Chubby En En.